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What’s the Deal with Google Glass?

Google Glasses (or Google Glass) are not futuristic ideas; they really exist. Google Glass (Google also calls it, Project Glass) is basically a smartphone that allows you to do everything hands-free. According to Google’s Co-founder Sergey Brin, the device is a glasses frame without lenses which displays information literally before a user’s eyes. The tiny camera that’s attached to the frame allows people to send video or pictures of what they’re seeing to other people wirelessly which allows them to see your world as you live it. You tell Google Glass to do things such as record a video, call someone, get directions, ask to translate, or take a picture, plus much more.

Top 10 Travel Destinations for 2013

Who decides what makes a travel destination “hot”? Why do people from all over the world start buying air fare tickets to places they know very little about? Tourism is often times attracted by economics. Sometimes major events such as the Olympics place a city “onto the map”. Before you know it, it is placed on the “hottest 2013 destination” list. Of course, a clever marketing strategy makes a huge difference too. For years an advertising agency ran the “Visit California” commercial featuring famous celebrities wearing bikinis and drinking wine on the beach, which attracted millions of visitors to the sunny state each year.

Dubai Disappears in Fog

A natural sight that only introduces itself to the super early riser able to admire the setting from a high rise happens in Dubai twice per year when the seasons change. For a few days each year, thick and low fog envelopes Dubai, one of the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates.

Career advice at 25 — I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!

People often say that a rewarding career is more about personal fulfillment than it is about bringing in big bucks. Many of us agree with this statement. The truth is, most people would rather be happy than rich. Meaningful work is one of the keys to personal fulfillment, especially since we spend approximately 33% of our adult life working. Research shows that if you have a career that complements your personal values, you’re much more likely to be happy than if you’re working a meaningless job.

Agarwood – Origin of a Priceless Fragrance

y2m writes about the importance of agarwood and what all forms it can be used in.

6 Clever Products People Don’t Know About â€¦Yet

If you are currently looking for special items to give as a unique present or if you are just in the mood to treat yourself to some fun and amazing new gadgets, you can check out these new products that not many people know about. y2m will tell you that some products are useful; some are just fun to have. Once you try them, it’s up to you to tell people about them.

y2m discusses the rise of content marketing

Content marketing is a term that has been gaining huge popularity for several months now. For online marketers, content marketing has become the new form of creating a business. According to y2m; a Dubai advertising agency, content is one of the fastest growing sectors in marketing and a large number of marketers are relying more than ever on their tactics to accomplish online success.

Surge Ahead in Education and Business with IOS!

The way people learn and work in today’s world has technically evolved over the past few years. Traditional methods have given way to dynamic, sophisticated systems that have brought dramatic changes to our places of education and work. Most of you will be aware of iOS (Apple’s mobile operating system) but you may not realise just how effective it is for your studies or work. Our team at Youthtomarketing thought it would be interesting to share with you some facts we thought could be relevant to you.

Leading a Better Life: How to Master Your Time!

As a busy marketing and advertising agency we know only too well about never having enough time. The key is to organise your time management in a scale of importance.

What is the Greatest Enemy of Creativity?

As a youth marketing agency the Y2M team often have debates on creativity as we bring into existence creative designs and marketing strategies every day of our working week. Some of you will be heading towards careers within creative environments in either a marketing or advertising or some other media orientated hub, so we thought we’d look a little deeper into what affects creativity.